Quick delivery and direct purchase

Only genuine spare parts and highest quality guarantee

Products available from warehouse located in EU

Quick shipping even the same day

Best prices direct from producer

Technical support in case of doubts or problems

Special discounts and business conditions for regular customers

Product offer

Check what we can do for you

rytools laser head
Fiber laser cutting head

For your productivity maintenance comfort we have a laser heads available from stock. The laser head are fully equipped and ready to work. Contact us if you have any question - we will verify which laser head suits to your machine. In case of doubts we invite you to our warehouse - you will be able to check the laser head on your own.


If a major damage occures or a main lenses are highly contaminated it's necessary to take care of your laser head. All of our laser heads you can easily maintain and operate by yourself. However we can offer you a cleaning and a mechanical and optical parts exchange service. Please contact us to receive more details.

Spare parts

Every laser cutting technology expert knows exactly that many different factors affect a final cutting edge quality. There are more obvious factors like laser source power, cutting speed, focus, cutting gas pressure. Nevertheless one should consider as well a type and diameter of nozzles, ceramic nozzle holder precision, height control system signal quality, contamination and a quality of a protection lenses. More undefined variables you are able to eliminate the more stable and repeatable production process you will get. That's why we offer you the highest quality, genuine spare parts from RayTools. We have a wide range of products available from stock to offer you a fast delivery.

Double and single nozzles
Ceramic nozzle holder raytools
Cover lenses
Protection lens raytools
Ceramic nozzle holders
Ceramic nozzle holder raytools
Focus and collimation lenses
Raytools BM111 focus lens
Fully equipped laser heads
BT240S RayTools
... and many other necessary products
Ceramic nozzle holder raytools

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or by phone

+48 531 400 009

Company details

Find out about our company details

We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about presented offer.

Phone no.: +48 531 400 009
e-mail address: technologie@raytools.eu
Company details:

AVARGO Konrad Rutkowski
Górczewska 181/813M
01-459 Warszawa
NIP: 773-239-75-84

Warehouse localisation:

AVARGO Konrad Rutkowski
Boguslawice 86
97-320 Wolborz
